Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Writing, writing, who is writing?

Um, I wrote this last week, but somehow the post ended up on my cooking blog. Go figure.  So, here, in the right place, is a post on writing I observed/taught last week.

This week one of my assignemnts is to be in classroom where writing is to happen. So far this week I've

half day in vocal music, half day in high school special ed, where I was in a Careers class;
subbed a full day in first grade, where the kids did writing with a tree map;
subbed a half day in middle school SPED where I was working with math all afternoon and
today, Friday, I'm in high school SPED in the morning, we will be doing minimal writing and this afternoon I'm teaching kindergarden. 

I'm not one who is fond (personally) of graphic organizers, though I definately see their use with students. However, they don't do  much for me.  In first grade this week we used "tree maps" which resemble the type of graphic organizer used in geneologies.

The kids were to write things about themselves and then write 3-5 sentences in a paragraph. So, using myself as an example:

/                            /                             /                                   /                                /
Mom              4 cats                        married                        teacher                   cook

And my paragraph *early elementar school style* would be.

I have two children, Anthony and Felicia. They are both grown up. My four cats are a lot of fun.  Their names are Darth Fluff, BA, Shadow and Neville.  My favoirte things about them is watching them play with each other.  My husband's name is Byron, he is a cook. He enjoys playing computer games.  I am a sbustitute teacher. My favorite thing about teaching is meeting many students per week.  Byron and I like to cook, one of our favorite types of food to cook is Indian food.

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