Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Writing in Special Ed

Today I'm back in one of my favorite special eduation elementary classes, grades K-1.  We do literacy groups in blocks first thing.

8 minute rotations for the first block which is workshops.  I work with 2-3 kids on letter recognition (this week B, D and R) sounds and what words start with those sounds. Other groups are doing calendar, sorting things that start with R and B and handwriting the letter R.

After the kids go through rotations they have 5 minutes of free play.

Today many of the kids went to adaptive PE after the first two rotations. So we worked with the kids who weren't at adaptive PE in the last rotations.

Next up is ABC Groups/Literacy block. This is done in 12 minute roations and ends with snack.  I worked with kids reading a beginning reading book entitled Animals Can Move.  We read the book together, each student having one or more turns to read a page (The rabbit can hop, the snake can slither, horse can run).  At the end of the book there are picture of animals and the students wrote sentences about how those animals can move.  Other groups worked with sight words, segementing/blending sounds and sorting (based on ability).

At the end of these rotations the students have a snack break.

Some of the students are verbal and some are not.  The students are at differnt levels of ability.

I enjoy the set up of this class.  After blocks the students return to their general education classrooms and other students come into the special education class for breakout groups. I did a handriting group with kindergarten using the Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) program. This program is exceptional for any child, but works very very well with special education children as it's multi-sensory and structured.

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